About SCU

SCU – a very wise choice!
SCU is short for Skanderborg-Odder Centre of Education. We are located at Campus Skanderborg in the northern end of the city of Skanderborg. There is easy access to our facilities with public transportation such as train or bus.
We have the biggest selection of different educations for young people and adults in the area.
We offer the following educations: The Higher Commercial Examination (HHX), Higher Preparatory Examination Programme (HF), Vocational Education Examination Qualifying for Access to Higher Education (EUX), Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX) and Adult Education and Continuing Training (VUC).
In total there are about 1,000 students and 120 employees at SCU. The CEO is Pia Marlo (photo at the left).
We are innovative and dynamic in our approach to education, and we aim to be among the best schools in Denmark.
Our facilities are modern and cosy, and we have a nice and attractive study environment.
SCU is based on the following values:
The UN World Goals have been implemented as a part of the company strategy at SCU, and we have chosen four specific goals with which we work continually.
One example is our implementation of the green transition and our commitment to only using CO2-neutral energy; another is our zero food-waste cafeteria.

At SCU we have a lot of social activities during the school year such as team building, sporting events, music events, and cosy Friday-gatherings in the cafeteria. We believe that strong social ties and a sense of community in- and outside the classroom constitute important pillars in a healthy learning environment.
To further strengthen this environment, we offer academic and vocational support at our weekly homework club, as well as specialist support to students who are dyslexic.
During the school year, our students attend study trips in both Denmark and abroad, the latter including travels to e.g. Spain, Germany, Ireland and The Netherlands. In general, SCU has a global outlook, and we are part of international exchange programmes for both students and teachers.
Early spring frames our annual Gala dinner, with students attending in full evening dress, and arriving in everything from limousines over party buses to bicycles and helicopters – all in a spirit of fun and festiveness.
At the Gala, the students enjoy a wonderful three course dinner followed by Les Lanciers, a French dance now incorporated into Danish high school tradition.

At the end of the school year – in June – we have our traditional graduation ceremony for the graduates and their families.
As a part of Danish tradition, the students throw their graduations caps into the air and catch them again – a symbol that they have now finished their secondary education and are about to embark on the next chapter of their lives.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us here at SCU. You can find our contact information at the bottom of this page.